
Making a functional lover

This looks good: A story about the DIY making of a perfect man. It's by Lauren McLaughlin at Salon, suggested at BoingBoing.

"The perfect man"
The tag line: "Design-your-own boyfriends lack that certain something. Until they don't. "

Update: Uh-yeah, admittedly I posted this before I read the story. I still want the post, but I just thought I should make that partial disclaimer.

I suppose a mark of a good writer is the ability to disturb you---to slip their finger under your skin and irritate you just a little. Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis" is considered one of the greatest short stories ever written, right? Clearly a backwards troglodyte, I've never liked that story (it was never assigned in school, but I made myself read it a few times to find what the parade was for). Still, "The perfect man" rubs me wrong the right way (allusion and the pun intended only in retrospect).