
Favorite Firefox extensions

When Amr Awadallah shared his favorite Firefox extentions, I found the list useful; so I’d like to share mine. Probably writing for a less geeky/tech-savvy crowd, you may use Firefox but I want to point out some extensions that can tweak performance to feed increasing levels of utility and distracted curiosity.

If you barely know what Firefox is, stick to the extensions highlighted in bold. If you can program with Ajax--- hmm why are you reading this post? If you’re familiar but not a convert to Firefox, at least your mother still loves you. A browser should fit per the user, and the beauty of Firefox is that extensions allow that customization. Explore Mozilla to find your own favorites.

Awesome, how did I live without this?
* Google Toolbar: better security, built-in search, cool tools integrated.
* Del.icio.us: keep, share and discover your favorite things.
* Tab Mix Plus: takes tab control to the master level.
* Faster Fox: tweaks for Firefox speed (Hope this is awesome but just installed it, so still a glimmer in my eye)

Cool, I could use that.
* Search Plugin Hacks: uninstalls engine plug-ins from the Firefox search bar (great for those who like to try-out search plug-ins or want to remove defaults)
* Google Preview
: adds thumbnail previews to Google search result pages.
* Scrapbook: clips, saves and sorts whole or parts of web pages.
* Google Notebook: for beginners.
* Sage: light-weight atom and RSS aggregator (a news feeder from different websites, ☺) (again, haven’t tried this yet, but suspect good things)
* Advanced Dork: right-click word/phrase and apply Google’s advanced search operators.
* Clipmarks: clip and save stuff from any web page.

Heh, that’s neat.
* Stumble Upon: (for fun) refers new websites based on your interests
* Greasemonkey: a user script manager
* DOM Inspector: views scripts that define the content, structure and style of the page.
* Extended Statusbar: gives speed, status, size, and time of page load.
* Live HTTP Headers: makes them viewable.
* Talkback: report browser breakdowns to mozilla.