
Homeless, not voiceless

In Berkeley, it's somewhat commonplace to encounter homeless individuals toting advanced academic tomes, mumbling theoretical musings to themselves, and helping to perpetuate the student lore of brilliant professors gone cuckoo. But despite the image, there are homeless people yearning to share their stories, not just in the Street Spirit, but online. If books are capable of transporting us, then it's easier to imagine being a fantasy hero/heroine than living in the conditions of some of our closest neighbors. For a real adventure, check out the blogs by homeless people:

False Thoughts Set Loose
The Homeless Guy
Wandering Scribe
Willie New York
Thoughts and Opinions of a Formerly Homeless Girl
LA's Homeless Blog
And the traveling 'Home-free' Bus produces a weekly online show called 'Homeless in America'.
These are from a recent Wired article on the small phenomenon, "Laptops give hope to the homeless."