
of significance to me

There are public recognitions that other people can understand and then there are those mental memorabilia primarily personal in significance, but oh what a better honor. The joy of the latter are difficult to share with others, but let me just try.

Bradford DeLong just linked to my last post. I think Brad DeLong is like Adam Smith's modern reincarnation. If that's not fair enough a comparison, allow me to explain that the only reason I don't link to all of his posts is because I don't feel I have anything to add to them and they are already
more pervasively publicized than my reflection of them would be.

DUDE. I made it to his "Worth Reading/Worth Surfing" list-- He De.licio.us Linked me! (Which means he may revisit this site. In which case, there may be some awkwardness in reading this blushing post. Well, someone has to say it.)

P.S. Thanks to reader Alex Thomas for pointing this out to me! :)

RE: Images
I will have to add large red circles to direct the viewers eyes to the tiny, little links to my site later.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to have been of help. :)

melanie said...

Absolutely Alex. And by the way great blog-- I'll be coming back there. What a library! You should send me an opml of your rss feeds.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. :)

Here is the RSS feed.


melanie said...

that's awesome, I'm going to subscribe.

But I actually meant of your huge reading collection, your blogroll, link library. You must have some way to read through that regularly--- I guessed you might use a feed reader? And if so...


Anonymous said...

OH! I misunderstood you. :(

Well, I do not use any feed readers. I check the links from by blog itself. Probably, I should start using one of those. :)

PS: I have added you under 'economics blogs'.


good year

Anonymous said...

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