
A United Nation of GDPs

This is so radical (and yes, it's also tubular)! This map displays the wealth of US states by their respective foreign-nation GDP equivalents.

Thanks to Derek for the find! --who also notes that "
this isn't normalized to population, so it's kind of silly; this is only in raw terms)." Fair enough. It's still radical.

And proof that Californians really do have reason to think they're French.

And apparently I should also give a bloggerific high-five to
Tony because "he'll cry if he doesn't get credit".


Chris said...

I think people forget just how BIG the United States is. We're incredibly diverse. I think it would be beneficial for there to be more individuality between the states in terms of public exposure. When people in Florida do something stupid, it reflects poorly on America as a whole. But, if a single country in the European Union does something stupid, that one country gets reprimanded, not the EU as a whole.

Remember, we're the United STATES of America. The word "state" implies individual sovereignty. I think the world (and for that matter, the United States) would do well to remember that.

I could also talk a little bit about how I feel that the idea of "Preserve The Union", that was the basis of the North's fight in the American Civil War, was evil, but I won't. Remember though, slavery was a tertiary issue in the American Civil War: States' Rights was first and foremost.

melanie said...

"I think it would be beneficial for there to be more individuality between the states in terms of public exposure. When people in Florida do something stupid, it reflects poorly on America as a whole."

haha. someone's been reading Fark!

Anonymous said...

A solution to Florida has been in the works for many years. Remember, every electric light you burn, every Hummer you drive, brings us a few gallons of seawater closer to victory.

melanie said...


Chris said...

@ Requiem

It's a real Pyhrric victory though, at least for those of us in California.

melanie said...

More support for the 'individualized' states thesis:

Rep. Bob Allen proves racist and a hypocritical homophobe -- all at once
